Our Space 2018-2048 has been adopted by each Partner Council, subsequent to the endorsement by the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee.

Project status: Our Space 2018-2048 [PDF, 6.4 MB] has been adopted by each Partner Council, subsequent to the endorsement by the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee. 

The Partnership has undertaken a review of the strategic land use planning framework for Greater Christchurch. Our Space cover

The Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee meeting on 14 June 2019 endorsed the final Our Space 2018-2048 [PDF, 6.4 MB] as the future development strategy for Greater Christchurch, having endorsed the report and recommendations [PDF, 3.8 MB] of the Hearings Panel. Subsequent ratification at the meetings of each partner local authority (Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, Selwyn District Council and Waimakariri District Council) occurred during June and July also adopted Our Space 2018-2048 [PDF, 6.4 MB].

The document outlines land use and development proposals to ensure there is sufficient development capacity for housing and business growth across Greater Christchurch to 2048. It complements the existing Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy (UDS) [PDF, 3.5 MB] and has been prepared in order to satisfy the requirement to produce a future development strategy, outlined in the 2016 National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

The draft Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update [PDF, 11 MB] was collaboratively prepared for consultation which ran from Thursday 1 November to Friday 30 November 2018.

Further information on the background and development of Our Space can be found below. 

What does Our Space 2018-2048 do?

Our Space 2018-48

  • Identifies preferred locations for housing growth, encouraging central city and suburban centre living while providing for township growth in other centres, especially Rolleston, Rangiora and Kaiapoi.
  • Outlines the housing trends that are expected to influence demand, with more people renting and fewer people in each household, linked to affordability issues and an ageing population.
  • Identifies the role planning can play in encouraging smaller, more affordable homes and in increasing the supply of attractive mid-priced townhouses and apartments in the central city, around key centres and along core transport corridors.
  • Commits councils to working with housing providers to increase the supply of social and affordable housing across Greater Christchurch.
  • Reinforces the role of key centres, especially the central city, in providing additional retail and office floor space, and the wider local services and facilities that people need near to where they live to encourage active (walking/cycling) and public transport.

Why is Our Space 2018-2048 needed?

Greater Christchurch is identified as a high growth urban area in the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

Councils in Greater Christchurch (Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council and Environment Canterbury) are required to produce a future development strategy that demonstrates that there will be sufficient, feasible development capacity over the medium and long term.

The Councils chose to work collaboratively, through the Greater Christchurch Partnership, to prepare Our Space 2018-2048, recognising the interconnectedness of urban areas and transport networks across Greater Christchurch.

Supporting information including capacity assessment

Information used in the development of Our Space 2018-2048:

A. Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment 

Information about projected demand and current development capacity for housing and business to inform a Future Development Strategy for Greater Christchurch.

Summary document:

Technical reports:

Additional appendix:

B. Options assessment 

Background information to support the approach outlined in Our Space 2018-2048.

C. Other supporting information

Additional residential feasibility assessment work commissioned by Selwyn District Council and Waimakariri District Council:

Please note these reports were not completed in time to be considered in the draft capacity assessment and Our Space 2018-2048 draft for consultation.

Planning review:

Other background material:

D. Our Space 2018-2048 maps

National policy statement on urban development capacity

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity (NPS-UDC) directs local authorities to provide sufficient development capacity for housing and business growth to meet demand in the short (1-3 years), medium (3-10 years) and long term (10-30 years).

The requirements of NPS-UDC policies variously relate to both territorial authorities and regional councils.

The NPS-UDC adopts a tiered structure that establishes additional requirements for local authorities with high-growth and medium-growth urban areas within their district or region.

The Christchurch urban area, as identified by Statistics New Zealand includes the towns of Prebbleton (Selwyn district) and Kaiapoi (Waimakariri district). The NPS-UDC specifies that the application of policies to ensure development capacity is not restricted to the boundaries of the identified urban area. The NPS-UDC also states that local authorities that share jurisdiction over an urban area are strongly encouraged to work together to implement the NPS-UDC.

Key deliverables required by the NPS-UDC are:

  • quarterly monitoring of a range of market indicators
  • a housing and business development capacity assessment
  • setting minimum targets for housing in regional policy statement and district plans
  • prepare a future development strategy to demonstrate sufficient, feasible development capacity in the medium and long term.

Talk to the team

For any further information please email ourspace@greaterchristchurch.org.nz


In total 92 submissions were received. View submissions.


Hearings Panel 

Members of the Hearings Panel : Bill Wasley, GCP Independent Chair (Chair); Cllr Peter Skelton, Canterbury Regional Council; Cllr Sara Templeton, Christchurch City Council; Deputy Mayor Malcolm Lyall, Selwyn District Council; Cllr Neville Atkinson, Waimakariri District Council; Gail Gordon, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (Ngāti Wheke); Ta Mark Solomon, Canterbury District Health Board; Jim Harland, New Zealand Transport Agency (non-voting). 

Hearing Panel agendas, notes and minutes 

Meeting date Agenda  Agenda Attachments Minutes Minutes Attachments

25 February 2019

Agenda [PDF, 31 MB](external link)                

Submissions volumes [PDF, 247 MB](external link)

Minutes [PDF, 525 KB](external link)


31 May 2019
Extraordinary meeting

Agenda [PDF, 446 KB](external link)


Minutes [PDF, (486 KB](external link)

Minutes attachment [PDF, 5 MB](external link)

Information received by Hearings Panel

Documents received for the purposes of Panel deliberations on 29 April 2019


Hearings Panel Recommendation Report

Dates and venues

Hearing dates and venues: 

Date of Hearings Time Location 
Monday 25 February   10:40am - 5:20pm Council Chamber, Environment Canterbury offices, 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Tuesday 26 February 9:00am - 5:00pm Committee room 1, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Wednesday 27 February (am) 9:00am - 11:00am Council Chamber, Waimakariri District Council offices, 215 High St, Rangiora
Wednesday 27 February (pm) 1:40pm - 4:40pm Committee room 1, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Thursday 28 February 9:00am - 5:00pm Council Chamber, Selwyn District Council offices, 2 Norman Kirk Drive Rolleston
Friday 1 March 9:00am - 12:40pm Committee room 1, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch

Deliberation dates and venues:

Date of Deliberations Time Location 
Monday 11 March                     10:00am - 5:00pm  Committee room 1, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch      
Tuesday 12 March  9:00am - 5:00pm Committee room 1, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Monday 29 April 8:30am - 11:00am Council Chamber, Environment Canterbury Offices, 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Friday 10 May  8:30am - 9:00am Waiau Room, Environment Canterbury Offices, 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Friday 31 May  10:15am  Council Chamber, Environment Canterbury Offices, 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Wednesday 5 June 3:00pm Council Chamber, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch