Greater Christchurch Transport Plan

Our transport system will play an integral part in supporting and shaping the growth of Greater Christchurch.

It is important to integrate transport planning with where and how we live, get to work, access shops and services, schools and move around our neighbourhood.

Greater Christchurch is growing and this is putting pressure on the sub-region’s transport network. If we continue as we are now – often making trips with only one person in a car – then as Greater Christchurch’s population grows, the roads will become more congested and we will not meet our emission targets.

Addressing this challenge requires changing the way we travel and reducing our reliance on fossil-fuelled cars for all of our trips. We need to provide people with greater choice about how they travel, increase our use of sustainable transport, and ensure that the trips we do make are safer.

The Greater Christchurch Transport Plan will provide a single plan for transport in the Greater Christchurch sub-region. It will identify the transport system changes needed to implement the Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan. and provide for consistent and integrated investment in transport and propose an action plan in the short, medium and longer term.

Where are we at now?

The Greater Christchurch Transport Plan is currently being developed by partnership staff. Work to identify key transport changes, outcomes and objectives, and the initial actions or interventions to respond to these, is underway.

In setting the context for the plan, we are building off existing plans, strategies and business cases. The initial investment focus will be short-to-medium term and will consider how to accelerate the Public Transport Futures investment programme.

Stage 2 will further detail the transport policies and actions that are required to give effect to the Spatial Plan. It will also outline the currently planned transport investments and identify the areas where further policy development and investment planning will be required to address gaps in our ability to achieve identified outcomes.

It will also have a longer-term investment focus and respond to central government policy direction. It is anticipated that the plan will be presented to the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee for endorsement in February 2025.