Planning for growth across Greater Christchurch

The Greater Christchurch Partnership has approved a draft settlement pattern update outlining how the region will support future housing and business growth for an expected population increase of 150,000 people.

31 October 2018.

Our Space 2018-48 [PDF, 11 MB]will go out for public consultation throughout November.

The draft update sits within the Urban Development Strategy and focuses on how land use, or development, integrates with transport. It reflects the transformational changes proposed for the region’s public transport system outlined in the draft Regional Public Transport Plan.

The Partnership comprises Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri councils, Environment Canterbury, iwi, Canterbury District Health Board and other public agencies. The collaboration recognises the interconnectedness of urban areas and transport networks across Greater Christchurch.

Mayor of Waimakariri, David Ayers, and Deputy Chair of the Partnership said the update is a good example of how the Partnership brings many agencies together for the good of Greater Christchurch.

“It is a Partnership of equals and demonstrates our collaborative leadership. Its focus is on the Greater Christchurch urban area and so complements the regional voice provided through the Canterbury Mayoral Forum”.

Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel said the Greater Christchurch Partnership recognised the importance of a thriving central city in the context of a growing and prosperous region.

Christchurch had a "geographical advantage'' over many other New Zealand urban centres, she said.

"We believe Christchurch can absorb significant growth without many of the challenges other centres face.  And we can avoid the problems that Auckland has had to confront with housing cost increases and traffic congestion.''

Our Space 2018-48:

  • Identifies preferred locations for housing growth, encouraging central city and suburban centre living while providing for township growth in other centres, especially Rolleston, Rangiora and Kaiapoi.
  • Outlines the housing trends that are expected to influence demand, with more people renting and fewer people in each household, linked to affordability issues and an aging population.
  • Identifies the role planning can play in encouraging smaller, more affordable homes and in increasing the supply of attractive mid-priced townhouses and apartments in the central city, around key centres and along core transport corridors.
  • Commits councils to working with housing providers to increase the supply of social and affordable housing across Greater Christchurch.
  • Reinforces the role of key centres, especially the central city, in providing additional retail and office floor space, and the wider local services and facilities that people need near to where they live to encourage active (walking/cycling) and public transport.

ECan chair Steve Lowndes said existing planning documents, including the Regional Policy Statement and the new Christchurch District Plan, mean the region is already well-placed to accommodate future development.

“We have looked out 30 years to 2048 to ensure we are planning ahead and considering the steps we need to take now to sustainably manage growth,” he said. “The proposals in the Regional Public 

Transport Plan for transforming public transport, along with its 30-year vision, align well with the directions outlined in this update,” he said.

In support of this, the Transport Agency’s Director Regional Relationships, Jim Harland, added “Over the next thirty 30 years, Greater Christchurch is projected to see significant population growth, possibly an extra 150,000 people, meaning more people will likely be making more trips across the transport network. People in Greater Christchurch need to have a range of choices about how they will get around and make the most of the new, safe cycleways, the road network, public transport and the options for sharing a ride or carpooling.”

Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton said the update will dovetail with the Selwyn and Waimakariri Councils’ district plan reviews.

“This update will help inform and guide these conversations with our communities over the next few years.”

Dr Te Maire Tau, ūpoko of Ngāi Tūāhuriri and a Ngāi Tahu representative on the Partnership welcomed the update’s recognition of iwi.

“We’re pleased with the recognition that planning for future urban development must be informed and guided by Ngāi Tahu values, so we grow in harmony with our environment,” he said. “We also see the document as supporting further conversations with our partners to enable more Ngāi Tahu whānau to be able to live on Māori customary land at Tuahiwi and Rāpaki.”

Canterbury District Health Board Deputy Chair, Ta Mark Solomon said the update will support healthy lifestyles.

“Healthy people need healthy environments,” he said. “Greater Christchurch has responded to the initial challenges following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 and is now embracing the opportunities that lie ahead to help us realise our long term vision - mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei, for us and our children after us.”

Regenerate Christchurch Chief Executive, Ivan Iafeta highlighted the link to regeneration work.

 “Regeneration is an ongoing process that requires a co-ordinated, long-term commitment. It also relies on all sectors working together on what is best for Greater Christchurch overall. This update reflects the type of joint approach that is essential for successful regeneration”, he said.

Independent chair of the Partnership, Bill Wasley said many other plans, strategies and initiatives will complement the update in improving the social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing of the  Greater Christchurch community.

“This update is an important part of the jigsaw and it provides planning certainty and a commitment to collective investment for the good of Greater Christchurch – our space,” Mr Wasley said.

The Partnership has planned to do this work to deliver on stated commitments, but it also satisfies a Government requirement to produce a future development strategy, outlined in the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

Public submissions will help shape the final content of the update, due to be adopted in early 2019.