Greater Christchurch Partnership

One group, standing together for Greater Christchurch.

Aerial view of river and lands

One group, standing together for Greater Christchurch

Our purpose is to take a collaborative approach to address strategic challenges and opportunities for Greater Christchurch.

The partnership is built on a strong foundation of mutual respect and trust, transparency and a strong commitment to achieving the best for the community, now and into the future.

The Greater Christchurch Partnership is a voluntary coalition of local government, mana whenua and government agencies working collaboratively to address strategic challenges and opportunities for Greater Christchurch.

In early 2022, the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee and the Crown agreed to form an Urban Growth Partnership for Greater Christchurch – the Whakawhanake Kāinga Committee, to work together to advance shared urban growth objectives relating to housing, infrastructure and land use within the context of the Urban Growth Agenda. Overview of the Whakawhanake Kāinga Committee [PDF, 2.8 MB].

These Urban Growth Partnerships are part of the Government’s urban growth agenda to improve housing, land use and infrastructure planning coordination and alignment between central and local government and mana whenua in New Zealand’s high-growth urban areas.

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